The Science Panel for the Amazon is excited to partner with Columbia University this summer to hold a Global Columbia Collaboratory that provides a small group of students with a virtual forum for learning about Amazonian issues from international experts and peers around the world.
During the Summer 2022 Global Columbia Collaboratory students will learn from sustainability experts, preeminent scientists, and local Amazon activist-practitioners about the current state of the Amazon ecosystem, it’s peoples and communities.
Through four seminars given by experts and locals in the field, small group meetings, and a collaborative project as a deliverable, students will reflect, ideate, and collaborate to learn, discuss, and raise awareness about the state of the Amazon region – all 100% virtually! However, we are also making the four seminars available for the general public to view and attend as well! Register in the link provided and follow along this summer as SPA authors present an overview of the landmark 2021 Amazon Assessment Report:
Global Seminar 1
- June 13, 10:00 – 11:30 AM [GMT-4]
- Global Seminar: Introduction and Course Launch: “The Amazon We Want”
Scientific authorities session
This session will give students an overview of the state of the Amazon ecosystem, current trends, and their implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as opportunities and policy relevant options for conservation and sustainable development.
- Speakers:
- Jeffrey D. Sachs (Columbia University and SDSN) can’t stay the whole time
- Emma Torres (SDSN)
- Carlos Nobre (Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Universidade de São Paulo)
- Andrea Encalada (Universidad de San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador)
- Moderator: Tom Trebat (Columbia Global Centers, Rio)
- Reading: SPA Executive Summary (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Global Seminar 2
- June 23, 10:00 – 11:30 AM [GMT-4] (week 3 of course)
- Global Seminar: The Amazon as a Regional Entity of the Earth System
This session will provide the students with an opportunity to understand how the geodiversity of the Amazon has evolved over three billion years of history.
- Speakers:
- Juan Guayasamin (Ecuador, Biodiversity)
- German Poveda (Colombia, Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions)
- Thiago Cardoso (Brazil, Peoples of the Amazon)
- Moderator: Lauren Barredos (Science Panel for the Amazon)
- Reading:
Chapter 3 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 6 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 7 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 8 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 12 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Global Seminar 3
- June 27, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. [GMT-4] (week 4 of course)
- Global Seminar: Land Use, Climate and Demographic Changes in the Amazon and Their Impacts on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, Ecosystem Services, and Human Wellbeing
This session presents the major ideas, actors, and practices that have shaped the Amazon’s current development and deforestation dynamics. It highlights how Amazonians have continuously adapted to changing circumstances while fighting to advance their own proposals for conservation and equity in development.
- Speakers:
- Susanna Hecht (USA, development dynamics in the Amazon)
- Erika Berenguer (Brazil, impacts and drivers of deforestation and degradation)
- Marina Hirota (Brazil, tipping points)
- Moderator: Tom Trebat (Columbia Global Centers, Rio)
- Reading:
Chapter 14 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 15 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 19 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 20 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 21 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 24 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Global Seminar 4
- July 7, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. [GMT-4] (week 5 of course)
- Global Seminar: The Solution Space: Finding Sustainable Pathways for the Amazon
Developing a clear vision is the central starting point for any action plan. This session reviews the main visions regarding the Amazon and proposes a Living Amazon Vision based on a set of values, principles, and knowledge systems described throughout the chapter.
- Speakers:
- Ane Alencar (Brazil, Living Amazon Vision)
- Jos Barlow (UK, conservation and restoration)
- Luciana Villa Nova (Brazil, bioeconomy)
- Natalia Piland (Nature Conservancy)
- Reading:
Chapter 29 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 30 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 32 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)
Chapter 34 in Brief (English / Portuguese / Spanish)