Amazonia on Fire: Perspectives from the SPA on the 2024 Wildfire Emergency
ABSTRACT BOOK: I Conference for The Amazon We Want
Policy Brief: Conserving the Amazon’s Freshwater Ecosystems’ Health and Connectivity
Policy Brief: Droughts in the Amazon
Andean Parliament Amazon Report
Policy Brief 2023: Land Market and Illegalities: The Deep Roots of Deforestation in the Amazon
Policy Brief 2023: Forest management for timber production and forest landscape restoration
Policy Brief 2023: Nine Ways to Avoid the Amazon Tipping Point
Policy Brief 2023: A New Infrastructure for the Amazon
Policy Brief 2023: Human Impacts on Carbon Emissions & Losses in Ecosystem Services
Statement on the 2023 Amazon Drought
Policy Brief: Supporting socio-bioeconomies of healthy standing forests and flowing rivers in the Amazon
Policy Brief: Contribution to the Amazon Summit
Praise and Homage to the Uitoto Children of the Colombian Amazon [Statement]
Extended Version: A Call for Global Action to Move the Amazon Forest System Away from Tipping Points
Policy Brief: The role of Amazonian Indigenous Peoples in fighting the climate crisis
Policy Brief: Transforming the Amazon through ‘Arcs of Restoration’
Policy Brief: A call for global action to move the Amazon rainforest system away from tipping points
Chapters in Brief
Part I | The Amazon as a Regional Entity of the Earth System Chapter 1: Geology and geodiversity of the Amazon: Three billion years of historyThis chapter explores the evolution of geodiversity over three billion years of history. It shows that periods of continental...
SPA Statement on the eve of the UN Biodiversity Summit
The Multiple Viewpoints for the Amazon: Geographic Limits and Meaning
Statement on the Occasion of the 9th Summit of the Americas
Statement On The Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention On Biological Diversity
Amazon Assessment Report 2021
Executive SummaryPart I | The Amazon as a Regional Entity of the Earth System Chapter 1: Geology and geodiversity of the Amazon: Three billion years of historyThis chapter explores how geodiversity evolved over three billion years of history. It shows that periods of...